Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Grandparents Galore

This baby is going to have 8 Grandparents. Can we say spoiled?

We went out to my mom's house last night to share the news, and she was beside herself with excitement. It was such a relief to see how overjoyed she was, and just feel her love and support. My normally stoic step-dad even cracked a smile and hugged and congratulated us. My little brother kept his cool, like any 12 year old would, but I can sense he's pretty jazzed about being an uncle.

BD delivered the news to his mom and step-dad, and dad and step-mom, over the phone when we got home. Both sets of parents seemed very excited and happy for us. His mom and step-dad starting asking questions about logistics that we don't have answers for yet, but overall seemed genuinely happy and excited. I could hear his dad and step-mom hootin' and hollerin' and jumping up and down through the phone from across the room! They were definitely excited, and his step-mom called me "little mama", and his dad told me to take good care of myself, and told BD to take good care of me too. :)

I called my sister, too, to let her know that she's going to be an aunt, and she is ready to let the baby shopping begin! I would have preferred to tell her in person, but I was afraid I wouldn't get a chance to see her before she leaves on vacation later this week.

It feels good to have our family in our corner, and now we're beginning the task of sharing the news with our friends. What a whirlwind!

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