Thursday, March 19, 2009
Is it my heightened sense of smell, or do I stink?
Duuuuuude. I'm having major smell issues. As in, I stink! All I can smell is my own BO. I'm sweating like crazy and I feel like I totally wreak. Yesterday in the shower, I washed my armpits 4 times. I sniffed them after each wash and they STILL smelled. I was SO embarrassed in class last night, because I was sure everyone in the room could smell me. When I got home, I made BD sniff me, and he insisted that I was only a little bit stinky, and that he didn't notice it until he stuck his face in my armpit. I guess that's good, but it doesn't change the fact that I am driving myself nuts with the way I smell. Yuck.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Grandparents Galore
This baby is going to have 8 Grandparents. Can we say spoiled?
We went out to my mom's house last night to share the news, and she was beside herself with excitement. It was such a relief to see how overjoyed she was, and just feel her love and support. My normally stoic step-dad even cracked a smile and hugged and congratulated us. My little brother kept his cool, like any 12 year old would, but I can sense he's pretty jazzed about being an uncle.
BD delivered the news to his mom and step-dad, and dad and step-mom, over the phone when we got home. Both sets of parents seemed very excited and happy for us. His mom and step-dad starting asking questions about logistics that we don't have answers for yet, but overall seemed genuinely happy and excited. I could hear his dad and step-mom hootin' and hollerin' and jumping up and down through the phone from across the room! They were definitely excited, and his step-mom called me "little mama", and his dad told me to take good care of myself, and told BD to take good care of me too. :)
I called my sister, too, to let her know that she's going to be an aunt, and she is ready to let the baby shopping begin! I would have preferred to tell her in person, but I was afraid I wouldn't get a chance to see her before she leaves on vacation later this week.
It feels good to have our family in our corner, and now we're beginning the task of sharing the news with our friends. What a whirlwind!
We went out to my mom's house last night to share the news, and she was beside herself with excitement. It was such a relief to see how overjoyed she was, and just feel her love and support. My normally stoic step-dad even cracked a smile and hugged and congratulated us. My little brother kept his cool, like any 12 year old would, but I can sense he's pretty jazzed about being an uncle.
BD delivered the news to his mom and step-dad, and dad and step-mom, over the phone when we got home. Both sets of parents seemed very excited and happy for us. His mom and step-dad starting asking questions about logistics that we don't have answers for yet, but overall seemed genuinely happy and excited. I could hear his dad and step-mom hootin' and hollerin' and jumping up and down through the phone from across the room! They were definitely excited, and his step-mom called me "little mama", and his dad told me to take good care of myself, and told BD to take good care of me too. :)
I called my sister, too, to let her know that she's going to be an aunt, and she is ready to let the baby shopping begin! I would have preferred to tell her in person, but I was afraid I wouldn't get a chance to see her before she leaves on vacation later this week.
It feels good to have our family in our corner, and now we're beginning the task of sharing the news with our friends. What a whirlwind!
Two positives do indeed make a positive

The blood test yesterday confirmed what the two home pregnancy tests told us. We're havin' a baby! We have an appointment with a nurse at the end of March that will be mostly informational, and an appointment with a doctor the first week in May, at which we should be able to hear our lil' nugget's heartbeat.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Sesame Seeds & Raisins (No, this is not about food cravings!)
Depending on which source I believe, my baby is currently either the size of a sesame seed, or the size of a raisin. Aren't sesame seeds those tiny little seeds they put on hamburger buns? raisin I've ever seen is WAY bigger than that. Either way, I guess it means I can't quite blame my tummy pudge on the baby just yet.
I'm heading to the doctor this afternoon for the official blood test. Providing that comes back positive, this will all seem a lot more real. And if it doesn't....then setting up this blog was kind of waste of time, wasn't it?
BD is being super cute today. He called this morning to let me know that we can find out the baby's sex at 8 weeks. I told him that the genitals start forming then, but won't be visible for quite a while, then I asked him if he was on the internet. He said "I was earlier. I was looking at a week-by-week site. I had to stop at week 14; I got a little queasy." So precious. :) Then I got a text a little bit ago that said "I love you guys." Awww.....gross. It seems it's sinking in a bit more for him today.
I actually feel less pregnant today. My boobs don't hurt as bad and I'm not having any tummy issues or anything. I'm hopeful that I'll have one of those pregnancies without morning sickness. Have I mentioned I'm an optimist?
I'm heading to the doctor this afternoon for the official blood test. Providing that comes back positive, this will all seem a lot more real. And if it doesn't....then setting up this blog was kind of waste of time, wasn't it?
BD is being super cute today. He called this morning to let me know that we can find out the baby's sex at 8 weeks. I told him that the genitals start forming then, but won't be visible for quite a while, then I asked him if he was on the internet. He said "I was earlier. I was looking at a week-by-week site. I had to stop at week 14; I got a little queasy." So precious. :) Then I got a text a little bit ago that said "I love you guys." Awww.....gross. It seems it's sinking in a bit more for him today.
I actually feel less pregnant today. My boobs don't hurt as bad and I'm not having any tummy issues or anything. I'm hopeful that I'll have one of those pregnancies without morning sickness. Have I mentioned I'm an optimist?
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Here goes nothin'
So, yeah. I'm pregnant. It is very, very strange to write those words, much less say them. When I say things like "my pregnancy", "my baby", and "no alcohol for 9 months", it sort of feels like I'm getting back into theatre, playing some far-fetched role that is nothing like my own life. But no, theatre this is not. This is my life. It does not feel real.
I suppose I should back up. (Maybe I should have done that a few weeks ago? Ha!)
A little over three weeks ago, BD (BabyDaddy) and I were less careful than we should have been, y'know, right in the middle of my cycle. About a week after that, my boobs started hurting, and I started feeling bloated and kind of cranky, and I thought, oh goody, PMS week has arrived. Yay! Only it lasted two weeks.
On Friday night (Friday the 13th!) BD and I decided to stop at the drugstore and pick up a home pregnancy test, you know, to put our minds at ease. We giggled about the two and three packs, but went for a two pack anyway. We picked up a birthday card that looked like a beer can for a friend. The cashier commented "I should get one of those for my nephew!" BD joked "Which one?", we all had a good laugh.
We got home. I peed on the stick. The Plus sign that means "you're pregnant" was evident immediately, even as I was still peeing on the thing. BD was all, wait the two minutes, maybe the plus sign will turn into a minus. I was skeptical, but waited the requisite two minutes. The plus sign did not magically turn into a minus.
We left to meet friends out for drinks. BD discreetly ordered me a diet 7up with a splash of cranberry juice. "Hold the vodka." The bartender looked at me funny. I swear she knew. A friend asked what I was drinking. I have no poker face what-so-ever, and I'm so conditioned not to lie that I just kind of froze and said "the usual", and avoided describing exactly what that was.
Despite my insistence that false positives pretty much don't happen, BD insisted I take the other test when we got home. This time, he watched me pee on the stick, and watched it turn immediately into a plus sign before his very own eyes.
According to Dr. Internet, I'm entering week 6, and I'm due in mid-November. I obviously need to go to a real doctor and confirm all of this, and make sure there's really a baby in there and whatnot. It's so weird. I'm already obsessed with googling things like co-sleepers, and whether my being a vegetarian is going to cause me to give birth to a carrot instead of a baby, and how long after I give birth must I wait before I get to have sex, and of course, witty maternity t-shirts that say things like "All I wanted was a backrub."
Planned or not, (the answer is "not", clearly), my nervousness is tinged with excitement, and a strange sense of calm. No, we were not planning on getting pregnant at this juncture, before our wedding, before I graduate, before we have health insurance. Still, I can't help but feel that it's all going to be alright, and that if there is a baby in there, and not a carrot, then now was the time for us to have a baby. After all, I will be 30 soon. I always did think 30 would be the perfect age to have a baby.
I suppose I should back up. (Maybe I should have done that a few weeks ago? Ha!)
A little over three weeks ago, BD (BabyDaddy) and I were less careful than we should have been, y'know, right in the middle of my cycle. About a week after that, my boobs started hurting, and I started feeling bloated and kind of cranky, and I thought, oh goody, PMS week has arrived. Yay! Only it lasted two weeks.
On Friday night (Friday the 13th!) BD and I decided to stop at the drugstore and pick up a home pregnancy test, you know, to put our minds at ease. We giggled about the two and three packs, but went for a two pack anyway. We picked up a birthday card that looked like a beer can for a friend. The cashier commented "I should get one of those for my nephew!" BD joked "Which one?", we all had a good laugh.
We got home. I peed on the stick. The Plus sign that means "you're pregnant" was evident immediately, even as I was still peeing on the thing. BD was all, wait the two minutes, maybe the plus sign will turn into a minus. I was skeptical, but waited the requisite two minutes. The plus sign did not magically turn into a minus.
We left to meet friends out for drinks. BD discreetly ordered me a diet 7up with a splash of cranberry juice. "Hold the vodka." The bartender looked at me funny. I swear she knew. A friend asked what I was drinking. I have no poker face what-so-ever, and I'm so conditioned not to lie that I just kind of froze and said "the usual", and avoided describing exactly what that was.
Despite my insistence that false positives pretty much don't happen, BD insisted I take the other test when we got home. This time, he watched me pee on the stick, and watched it turn immediately into a plus sign before his very own eyes.
According to Dr. Internet, I'm entering week 6, and I'm due in mid-November. I obviously need to go to a real doctor and confirm all of this, and make sure there's really a baby in there and whatnot. It's so weird. I'm already obsessed with googling things like co-sleepers, and whether my being a vegetarian is going to cause me to give birth to a carrot instead of a baby, and how long after I give birth must I wait before I get to have sex, and of course, witty maternity t-shirts that say things like "All I wanted was a backrub."
Planned or not, (the answer is "not", clearly), my nervousness is tinged with excitement, and a strange sense of calm. No, we were not planning on getting pregnant at this juncture, before our wedding, before I graduate, before we have health insurance. Still, I can't help but feel that it's all going to be alright, and that if there is a baby in there, and not a carrot, then now was the time for us to have a baby. After all, I will be 30 soon. I always did think 30 would be the perfect age to have a baby.
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